An insurance company’s financial stability may not be your first concern when searching for insurance for your manufactured home, but it probably should be. With hurricanes and other natural disasters that impact, it is important to know that your carrier has the financial backing to be there when you need them the most.
Insurers earning a Financial Stability Rating® of A possess Exceptional financial stability related to maintaining positive surplus as regards policyholders. You can be certain of American Mobile’s commitment to our members and our long-term commitment to the insurance market.
Demotech, Inc. is a highly regarded financial analysis firm. Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) are a leading indicator of an insurer’s financial stability. FSRs are based upon a series of quantitative ratios and considerations which together comprise Demotech’s Financial Stability Analysis Model. FSRs are accepted by several government sponsored enterprises, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and various programs of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), mortgage lenders, as well as a number of umbrella and agents errors and omissions insurance markets.
We invite you to find an agent to get an immediate quote on your mobile home. Or, you can contact us by completing the form on the top of this page and you will hear from on of our knowledgeable, professional agents very soon!
Mail address:
PO Box 13609
St Petersburg, FL 33733
Overnight Mail:
EIS Lockbox/Cust Svc
Lockbox Department
Attn: American Mobile, 919781
7699 Golf Channel Drive
Orlando, FL 32819